Social Commitment

Social Commitment

Foundation Families in Need – FIN (Familien in Not)

“Families in Need" (FiN): Combining a variety of help for families in need with the assistance of companies.

KSM stands ready to help local families in need through no fault […]of their own. The people who[…] suffer most are the children. Serious and stressful impacts quickly lead to loss of social status and social exclusion. Here, the main target and vision of FiN is to give flexible and non-bureaucratic assistance.

Sustainable help involves comprehensive support of families in times of crisis which is provided by qualified professionals. By giving early and long-term assistance with a focus on children, family situations will be stabilized thus avoiding consequential damages.

There are many possibilities to contribute to FiN and many good reasons to do so. Companies expand their social commitment and assist this project. A good reason for this is that the development of the people supported has a lasting effect. Apart from financial aid, real values, contacts, an entrepreneurial approach and creativity play an important role.

The foundation „Family in Need – FiN“ was founded in 2005 in Hildesheim based on a single donation. Today, FiN is an integral part of the work of the Diakonischen Werke Hildesheim (Social Welfare Association). It is a major step towards equal opportunities as well as participational access and educational equality.

FiN is different.

1. FiN provides long-term support

FiN assists quickly during financial difficulties – and especially tries to overcome an emergency through a sustainable support at an early stage.

2. FiN is an enabler.

Poverty is not just financial poverty. In our society there can be educational poverty. This is one of the most significant factors in social exclusion. Education gives people clear skills so that they become valuable social contributors. Education needs time!

FiN sustainably helps people to help themselves. The message is: You have the tool, we provide the chance to use it. We believe in you.

3. FiN provides overall help.

FiN targets to stabilize the overall environment by taking on family sponsorships. Here, psychosocial, material and life skill conditions are considered and integrated into a long-term therapy at an early stage.

What FiN does

Social Commitment

Internship – somebody is interested in me.

Tim is desperate. His parents separated. He cannot cope with it –not at home, not at school and not among his friends. He quits school shortly before his graduation. He looks for a way out and turns to FiN. Together they look for an internship for him. The company promotes and supports him. Tim completes school and starts an apprenticeship.

Social Commitment

Everyday help – now we can handle it on our own.

Mrs. M. takes care of her six-years old grand-daughter Julia. Julia lives with her, she is half-orphaned. Her father works a lot. When Mrs. M. gets ill, she can no longer take care of Julia as usual. She cannot help Julia with her homework, take her to physical education or care for the shopping. FiN takes over some of the duties until she recovers. Thus Julia can stay with her grandmother.

Social Commitment

Family assistance – The constant dispute has stopped.

In kindergarten, the three-year-old Anton becomes conspicuous through aggressive behaviour. It turns out that his parents have significant difficulties. Just moved, the father loses his job. The family has a huge mountain of debt. The parents constantly dispute. FiN gives consultancy and assistance to get debts, unemployment and others under control.

Social Commitment

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photos: title: JSchilke /, bottom: lightpoet /, highwaystarz / , Tomasz Trojanowski /, StefanieB. /, right: aeroking,, FiN
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